Shipping and returns.

Shipping your package

For delivery in Europe, packages are shipped the same day for orders placed before 12 p.m. (GMT + 1 time zone). Packages are sent by our partner warehouse in Europe (located in France).

Shipping costs include preparation and packaging costs as well as shipping costs. Preparation costs are fixed, while transport costs vary depending on the total weight of the package. We recommend grouping all your items into one order. We cannot combine two orders placed separately and shipping charges apply to each order. Your package is shipped at your own risk, but special attention is given to fragile items.

The box dimensions are appropriate and your items are properly protected.

You can request a return directly in your customer area. Go to your order history, choose the order you want to return and indicate the reason. A coupon will be printed and placed in your return package. Return costs are refundable under certain conditions*.